Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 10 of the reduction-to-20mg of Citalopram challenge

and I'm confident that dropping my anti-depressant dose is the right thing to do. January was a completely different month for me. Getting Christmas out of the way, with its financial burdens and over-hanging threat of family unease, seems to have made a big different in my general mood and I've been on the up the past few weeks.

I happily attribute some of this improvement to the fact I'm still not boozing. I've not had a drink since 17th December and I think that's given me a huge hit of clarity generally. I've found it so astonishingly easy I feel like I'm cheating, and I somewhat regret not having stopped sooner. But as I've said elsewhere in this blog, the second-best time to plant a tree is today, and that slight regret isn't stopping me harvesting great big chunks of personal smug from my sobriety.

I do still have a couple of things holding me back. They're mostly psychological, and maybe it's time I started dedicating a little more effort to the blog again so I can explore these restrictions in a little more detail. I've been determined to start video-blogging but haven't got around to it - procrastination in general seems to be a huge hurdle at the moment! I keep thinking "One step at a time" but things do seem like they're stagnating a little. Walking, housework, personal care and waking lucidity all seem to have taken a bit of a hit recently, so once this cold buggers off I'll try and make a concerted effort to bring everything back into line with this "new me".

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