Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It was a weekend of laughter

and character-building, of sleep-deprivation and sunburn, old faces and new friends found.

I'm trying to remember who was there. Me, Michelle, Kevin, Sam, Aiden, Cath, Mike, Heidi, Paul, Asun and her fella Nick I think, Ian, Crow, Clare, Wookie, Leanne, Bill, Andy, Becca, Nathan, Bearpookie, David, plentyofants and finally, Burt Chimpcaster, the dirty fucking monkey. I think I got everyone. Twenty-four of us, mostly intent on getting incredibly pissed and laughing our arses off.

While both nights were filled with proper belly laughs and finding out about each other, there were a few moments of incredibly sweet interaction. A few people who I were looking forward to meeting gave me huge compliments and reminded me how far I've come since my lowest points. These are people who I've grown to adore online and who've had compliments showered upon them by others I trust.

So, when I'm told I'm "much cuter in real life" it sinks in and adds to my being. When someone else tells me I'm lovely and proceeds to tell everyone else at the party I'm lovely over the course of the night, even when I'm not in the room, then spends ten minutes hugging me and showering me with adoration before I go to bed, it builds my confidence and esteem immeasurably. Being accepted so readily into a group who've met many times before and know each other quiet well is a real boost for me. It's rare that new social situations like this come along for me, so to thrive and really enjoy getting to know new people was simply lovely.

Compliments used to bounce off me like I had some kind of shield that reflected them. I'd be coy and dismissive because I never felt I deserved to be told I did something well or looked good or was a nice person. Since my therapy I've learned to allow compliments for two reasons: first because it makes others feel good when they make you feel good, second and more importantly at builds your self-esteem when you let these things in.

I know I'll never be big-headed, but I've noticed that over the past year - more specifically the last three months - more and more people have been paying me compliments. "You're looking really well" is a current favourite which I put down to losing a fair amount of weight and spending more time in the sun. I realise every compliment I get is a testament to the work I did during therapy and the introspection and reflection I've done since. It's hugely pleasing to see evidence of that effort in the way people perceive me, and how I see myself.

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